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Mahesh Ramani

Mahesh Ramani is a senior content editor for the Hotcourses India- an IDP company.


11 Aug 2015 39.2K Book icon 1 min Share

Did you know that the US Govt can pay for your studies?

Worried about the high cost of an American degree? Don't worry the U.S. Government can fund your degree with scholarships.

11 Aug 2015 39.2K Book icon 1 min Share
Mahesh Ramani

Mahesh Ramani is a senior content editor for the Hotcourses India- an IDP company.


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Did you know that the US Govt can pay for your studies?

Are you ready to start your institution hunt and short-list a course and institution to study in the USA? Did you know that for some specific courses international students studying in the USA can get a major portion of their course fees funded by the American government? This article examines some avenues, which will help you fund your education in the USA; courtesy Uncle Sam!

Some of the most popular and useful scholarships for students offered by the US government are listed below:

The Fulbright Program

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program operates in more than 155 countries worldwide. Approximately 4,000 foreign students receive Fulbright scholarships each year.

Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA)

Opportunities are available for non-US college graduates, who aspire to teach foreign languages and study a course that will help them achieve their goal.

International Fulbright Science & Technology Award

This is a highly coveted scientific study grant, which is awarded to the best international students aiming to pursue a doctoral program in science/technology at an American University.

The International Leaders in Education Program (ILEP)

ILEP provides international teachers with unique opportunities to develop expertise in their subject areas, enhance their teaching skills and increase their knowledge about the United States. 

The advantages of a US-government funded scholarship are as follows:

  • Clear selection process
  • Complete transparency with details listed on relevant websites
  • Merit and talent takes precedence
  • All deserving candidates have a fair shot at securing a scholarship
  • Scholarship awardees are highly respected.
  • Being a Fulbright scholar means you are among the cream of the cream and it is testimony of your academic accomplishments.
  • A good point to publicize on your CV as well.

Visit USIEF for more details on various fellowships and study grants offered by the American government for Indian students.


The USA offers a wonderful learning experience. The fast-paced; no-nonsense approach to life is on a completely different plane when compared to the unhurried and calm pace of life in India. As a student in the USA, one has to adapt to a completely different culture where punctuality and what you do is more important than, ‘Who you are and what you could have done?’

In addition to the scholarships offered by the American government most leading Universities also offer scholarships in partnership with leading companies and philanthropists. Do use our ‘Scholarship Database’ to search for a scholarship that fits your requirements.