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  • The types of people you meet while studying abroad!
Doodle Nandi

Doodle Nandi is a content editor for Hotcourses India- an IDP company, and helps write articles that help students with their study abroad journey.


27 Sep 2017 541 Book icon 2 mins Share

The types of people you meet while studying abroad!

Here is a list of the types of people you will meet during your overseas studies. You might be surrounded by a few of them now!

27 Sep 2017 541 Book icon 2 mins Share
Doodle Nandi

Doodle Nandi is a content editor for Hotcourses India- an IDP company, and helps write articles that help students with their study abroad journey.


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Types of people you meet while studying abroad

The idea of studying abroad dates back to several years ago. Under the ‘gurukul’ system, many students gained knowledge and flourished, which would have been impossible otherwise. It’s said that Aristotle who was born in Macedonia attended school in Greece.

Nalanda which was the ancient seat of learning in Asia from 5th Century CE is yet another example of a great abode of power in knowledge which attracted scholars from distant places like China, Korea, Japan, Tibet, Sri Lanka and Turkey.

The education system has evolved, still better evolving for the good, and the progressive institutions are offering various types of learning, from traditional to contemporary to a blended approach. What most institutions offer is a dynamic environment where students mix with other cultural and ethnic groups – one of the key facets of life! They get to know one another and learn from experiences and people.

So here, we tell you the types of people you get to meet, or you may not, while studying abroad.  

  1. Sociable – There are people who love to socialise. If you are a like-minded individual, then you might enjoy being with this group of people. But if you are keen on spending time with your own world more, then socialising might get on your nerves.
  2. Home away from home – You might find a mother- or a father-figure while studying abroad. Sometimes you might feel like pouring your heart out to those people and share all nooks and corners of your life with them. 
  3. Selfie conscious – You might sometimes feel like tossing over their camera. No matter wherever they go, their selfie stick follows them and they don’t hesitate to include you for some funny pouty pictures that you despise the most.
  4. Giant eater – They never stop! Wherever they go, they just want to try out every fascinating cuisine and gorge on them literally. It’s good to occasionally hang around with such fellow men and women, but if you do that continually you’ll soon find your bank balance drifting from minimum to nil.
  5. Road runner – They never wait and never get tired! An incessant energy flows through their body that makes them explore every new place, if possible over and over. These people see every place with new eyes and positivity!
  6. Fast like air – You’ll seldom see them in your class. They disappear like air and you might find them rarely around; probably in a party or in the washroom where they might show up, and surprisingly sometimes in the library before exams.
  7. Polymath – They are omniscient! They just know almost everything about anything on earth. If you sit with them for breakfast, you’ll find yourself stuck with their philosophical chords till your dinner time.
  8. Lost always! – They lament all their decisions! They feel lost and homesick often. You may try to comfort them for some time but eventually tagging along with them might prove to be an unpleasant experience for you.

So have you met any of the above types of people/ student abroad? Why don't you share your experiences with us. 

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